June 14, 2022
New Purpose Built Dyehouse for Tasman

The new dyehouse is nearly complete; it has been a big project, but one that is welcomed by Tasman as it is set to increase production, build on Tasman’s sustainability goals, and create work opportunities for local Whanganui whānau (families).

Tasman is investing over $2 million dollars in upgrading the dyehouse area with purpose built new buildings to house new imported drums. Geared to increase production, Tasman is installing four 3x2m drums and a further two 3.3x2.5m drums – significantly increasing capacity.

Imported from Italy, the new drums are constructed in modern material polypropylene. The smooth and impervious surface of the drums means higher chemical resistance.
As always, Tasman aspire to make the best quality leather, and ensure we take care of our community and our beautiful country. Our respect for both product and the place that provides it drives new innovation, new actions and new measures to look after it. Design and construction of the drums enables float recirculation, permitting efficient distribution of chemicals, better exhaustion and uptake, less water consumption, energy savings and lower maintenance are possible – further adding to our sustainability goals.
Being able to help our local Whanganui community thrive is a focus. Without our people, we would not be able to create the quality product we are renowned for. The new drum house enables Tasman to employ more people – something we are incredibly proud of.
Tasman Leathers of New Zealand stands uniquely as an end-to-end processor. This means our hides come to us raw and we start from there, as opposed to sourcing our wet-blue from third party suppliers. Because we have control of the entire practice, we can dictate our standard completely, and maintain an intimate relationship with the quality of our product. The dyehouse upgrade is further commitment to our ongoing strive to produce leading leather.
Please contact us if you’d like to discuss working with Tasman for your leather requirements.