June 14, 2022
Choices At Every Stage of The Process

Tasman Leathers of New Zealand is committed to engineering a highly sustainable leather production. This means making ethical choices at every stage of the process.
From the second the raw hides arrive in our hands, we endeavour to make the best choices to sustain both our leather and our environment. The Tasman manufacturing process adheres to strict industry standards, as well as consistently maintaining the use of water based products to avoid emitting harmful organic compounds.
The waste management hierarchy states the importance of reusing and recycling materials. Tasman does this by creating leather, a biodegradable material, from by-products of other industries. The most important part of the waste management hierarchy, however, is waste reduction. The waste reduction value emphasises the prevention of excess production.
At Tasman, we are committed to preventing excess production by considering the entire lifespan of our leather– beyond our Whanganui tannery. It is a commitment to the products long before the materials reach Tasman, and long after the leathers are distributed to our partners and clients.
This commitment is one of longevity. Tasman employs two key models to ensure significant waste prevention.
Commitment to quality - the New Zealand way
Genuine leather is known for its ability to stand the test of time. Tasman takes this further with our goal to achieve and maintain the highest quality standards possible.
Every Tasman supplier is a member of the New Zealand Farm Assurance Programme. Products produced under the NZFAP come with guarantees of integrity, traceability, biosecurity, sustainability, and animal health and welfare. Tasman calls this commitment to transparency and authenticity ‘the New Zealand way’. It is about ensuring Tasman products accurately reflect the unique quality of New Zealand’s natural environment. New Zealand’s hides have a reputation as being consistently high quality, with minimal blemishes or inconsistencies.
Manufacturing quality products reduces the need for unnecessary production. Tasman’s processes are slow and considered, diminishing the need for replacements or repairs.
Delivery upon specification
At Tasman, we work directly with our clients to ensure what we are producing is fit for their specific purpose. Our partnerships are diverse, encompassing brands such as Air New Zealand, Hestra Gloves, Danske Mobler, and Blundstone– each with their own specialised needs and requirements.
We work closely with our clients to produce leather in adherence with their precise specifications. Whatever our clients require, we endeavour to reach a complete mutual understanding about what is desired and what we are able to deliver. This is a commitment to both our valued partnerships and a prevention of waste.
Tasman aspires to accurately meet the needs of our clients every time, resulting in the highly productive use of nature’s energy and resources.
At Tasman Leathers of New Zealand, having a genuine respect for our natural environment is always the bottom line. Practicing strong ethics is an ongoing process, which we are committed to attaining with transparency. To find out more about how Tasman Leathers of New Zealand can support you with your manufacturing and design objectives, please contact us at info@tastan.co.nz.